Dr. Malachi Z. York and Nuwaubians - Thought Nubian (Full Album)
Dr. Malachi Z. York’s “Thought Nubian“ cassette tape, likely released in 1990-1991. This version was digitized by The All in All Ministries in 2018 and reissued under the band name Nuwaubians.
This tape is suggested to have been issued in 1990 or 1991 along with another cassette, though much of the history of York’s various followings is being told anecdotally by former members of his groups. Judging from comments on other York music uploads on YouTube, it is likely that who are in the know will find their way to this video after some time and provide more information in the comments.
This audio is sourced from The All in All Ministries’ 128 kbps MP3 digitized tape. Loudness normalization was applied to each track.
0:00 Nubia
9:51 Nasrualla
17:55 Jahannim
24:29 Raqs Wahhid
29:45 Subhanallah
39:40 Malukul Laut
46:32 Musafir Ila Baladana