“Invincible“ teaser

“Invincible” will be released on the December 16th! It is Dark Sarah´s second single from their upcoming “Attack Of Orym “ album! PRE-SAVE “Invincible“ NOW: PRE-SAVE album “Attack OF Orym“ OUT 27th January 2023: PRE-ORDER the CD: You can also pre-order the CD on Amazon, Plastic Head, CDON, HMV Japan and the other regular places where music is sold. “Invincible“ is Dark Sarah´s second single from their upcoming 5th concept album titled “Attack Of Orym“. The song is featured by Kasperi Heikkinen (Beast in Black) on guitar. It is a very energetic and powerful song and a total spirit lifter! In the album storyline ´Malevolent´, the evil magic orb, tries to convince the protagonist Luna to stay on the dark path.
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