Ushnisha Vijaya Namgyelma Mantra 1 hour Vitality Mantra for Long Life; Heals and Removes Suffering
Ushnisha Vijaya or Namgyema’s mantra is a treasure in Buddhism. It’s uplifting, life-affirming mantra transforms the person who hears it. It is so joyful and uplifting, just hearing it is already a healing practice. Chanting the mantra is especially powerful as a healing and vitality mantra for long life -- not only in this life, but for future lives.
This short mantra is easy to chant along and very beautiful:
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Health Disclaimer: Healing Meditation is not a replacement for good health and medical care, please always consult your health practitioners.
Ushnisha Vijaya (Tibetan: གཙུག་གཏོར་རྣམ་རྒྱལ་མ།) or Tsuktor Namgyelma, is one of the most beloved and widely practiced Buddhas in Mahayana Buddhism. She represents the epitome of physical health, vitality, and longevity. Her practices are highly recommended for increasing these qualities in ourselves.
In Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, the Yidam (meditational deity, in this case Ushnisha Vijaya) and your mind are inseparable. By visualizing the perfection of glorious long-life Ushnisha Vijaya, we connect our mind with her life-affirming, healing power. We empower our own prajna, or life force to rejuvenate our cells and heal our current physical bodies and minds. Ushnisha Vijaya, as our Yidam — or meditation deity —empowers our healing and long life by providing the perfect template — in Buddhist terms, mandala — to energize our own bodies to heal.
Ushnisha Vijaya’s practice was taught by Buddha Shakyamuni in the sutra, Usnisihavijaya Sutra, which contains her long Dharani, and the shorter mantra.
Uṣṇīṣavijayā is considered to be very important throughout the four major lineages the Sakya, Gelug, Nyingma and Kagyu. All regard Her practice as very precious because it clears away the obstacles to life. Also, ultimately, it purifies our own obscurations, our negative karma.” according to the 8th Garchen Rinpoche.
Ushnishavijaya translates as Victorious Crown Goddess. She is one of a trinity of long-life Buddhas, including White Tara and Amitayus.
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