Liquidity Mining - Passive Crypto Income?

Liquidity mining has quickly gained a lot of popularity after the DeFi boom in 2020. Liquidity mining, also known as yield farming, allows holders of crypto to easily help add functionality to the crypto community while also earning passive income off of their crypto assets. Not only did DeFi take the decentralization ethos of crypto to a new level, but in doing so it spurred other innovations. While replacing the order book system of a centralized exchange was first seen as a problem, the solution of allowing users to add to a pool in order to earn rewards generated by fees has proved useful in multiple areas. In this video, we’re going to take a look into liquidity mining- what is it? How does it work? And what is it like to actually participate in it? Trade Crypto on Phemex → ← Register now for a 7-day free Premium Membership Trial and other trading bonuses. Follow us on: Twitter Facebook: Instagram:
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