’Hemi-Synthesis’ | Hemispheric Synchronization | IQ Increase Brainwave Tool
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The aim of this audio is to assist in creating a whole-brain state known as hemispheric synchronization. This is where both left and right hemispheres work together in a state of unity and coherence.
A balanced whole brain state can lead to;
An increase in your ability express yourself creatively
A greater ability to focus on study and other complex tasks
Better sleep, by reducing mental chatter/ruminations
An increase in information retention
An ability to enter medidative states quickly
A reduction in stress
A discovery of innate talents that have so far remained unconscious
Instructions: Sit or lie comfortably with your headphones on, and ensure you won’t be disturbed for the next 20 minutes. Listen once a day for 20-30 days and report back with your results. While entrainment will have a positive effect when listened to passively, you can supplement it with one of the followi
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12 months ago 00:40:18 1
’Hemi-Synthesis’ | Hemispheric Synchronization | IQ Increase Brainwave Tool