ESPN letter to Roger Federer’s children

this is ESPN Rick Reilly’s Essay To Federer’s Child. It’s a wonderful tribute for rogi’s 15 grand slams i found (some other guys have already posted it, i dont mean to take anything out of them) so i considered sharing it with you in a good quality(taken from the espn site). ENJOY It’s obvious that i don’t own anything of this video, which is distributed by me only for fun and sharing and it will be immediatelly removed if asked. UPDATE:: god!!! it’s TWINS!! AND GIRLS!!! well, now the video seems a little outdated but..:O who would have expected that?? i am soo thrilled! congratulations lovely parents!! Here is the dialogue: Dear Youngest Federer, By the time you are old enough to understand this, your father won’t be the player he once was. So this is for you, from those of us who were there, just to tell you who he was. He was a champion like tennis had never seen. He was like a page out of an Abercrombie and Fitch
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