Whiteout’s Obsession • Complete WoF AU MAP
WOW, I’m honestly impressed this got done in time! Happy Holidays folk!
Whiteout was born on the same night Darkstalker was; causing her to have same powers he has. She is also obsessed with the ways icewings live and wished she had grown up there instead of the nightwing kingdom.
intro- Ombre
1- MagpieRaven
2- Dragonbird
3- Amber the Goldwing
4- B1rdBra1ned
5- SkyDaHybird
6- sunbeast
7- Jules/Pyro
8- ArtBlock Geek Boco
9- Alivy
10- r0tting_l3ttuce
11- milkshook
12- Poodlem0th
13- ★OtterPxp★ DracisAnimations YT
14- ★OtterPxp★
15- Spectrum the hybrid
16- SkyDaHybrid
17- El_crafts
18- Galaxiia Studio
19- Swordtail Silkwing
20- Triangle Animations Boco
21- Bavadji
22- Rileyplayz
23- WisdomClaw
24- Dragonfruit:)
25- PatchynMatchin AkiraTheKersonine CervusSilvestris
26- Coraine
27- Whole Wheat Bread
28- SaturnHalo
29- AquaTurtle1234
30- SH Triangulum
31- DracisAnimations YT
32- itsdappleagain
33- ArtBlock Geek
34- flamedash
35- TurtleArt
36- Lilypaddragon
37- Chara
38- squidbrian all the way
39- SpeedTheDragon
40- Woofits105
41- Bunnyisland
42- Armadillocamel
43- Tropical Star
44- Raina The Rainwing
45- El_crafts
46- El_crafts
47- LascaruzSpikes
48- Library of Alexandria SkyDaHybrid
49- Phoenix Boco CervusSilvestris
50- ShadowedSky
52- Raina The Rainwing
53- Paztila
54- DracisAnimations YT
55- DracisAnimations YT
56- Swordtail Silkwing
57- EchoTheOwl
58- Otyxmaix
59- squidbrian all the way
thumbnail- Lycanex