Wolcen Devblog - Ammo Modifier System

Hi everyone ! Today we’d like to showcase some of the upcoming additions of next week’s patch. You probably guessed it by now; crossbows are back into the game, and they bring some friends along with them ! As you can see in the video, you can now toggle ammo modifiers when wielding a ranged weapon ! Burn your enemies with fire bolts, stun them with electric bolts and freeze them with frost ones. Explosive bolts will spread the elemental effects, for massive area-damage. We are also adding poison, stunning, piercing and ejecting ammo. All of those can be combined at the same time for devastating effects ! But that’s not all, we’ve also added multi-shot and burst-shot fire modes. Every bolt or arrow will benefit from toggled ammo modifiers. Stay tuned for more info on something big during the next-few weeks !
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