After Jodi and Kevin criticize the family, Jon responds to the paparazzi about his kids working conditions, the money set aside for them, etc. This is quite a hypocritical video because just a couple of months later he complains his kids are exploited and takes them off the show. Get your story strait Jon!
10 years ago 00:05:17 86
Jon Gosselin Creates His MilkShake At Millions of Milkshakes
10 years ago 00:03:47 45
Kate Gosselin - Hearty Meatloaf Recipe
12 years ago 00:05:00 24
Jon Gosselin’s response to criticism
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Jon & Kate Plus 8’s Jon Gosselin Affair Confirmed -
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Watch Jon Gosselin Hit the Yoga Mat!
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Jon Gosselin’s New Life
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Lauren Mackler on CNN - Jon and Kate Gosselin’s Divorce
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Jon Gosselin & Ellen Ross take the kids on a Father’s Day hike