David Parsons - Approaching the Holy Mountain

From the album “In The Footsteps…” (2008) — Label: White Cloud Buy music: READ MORE Painting: Joseph Parker - “Steps to the Mountaintop” (1969) * “In the Cosmic Consciousness which inspired Buddha, we learn that one so Blessed considers only the Truth, and, having utterly abandoned the thought of Self he is clear in perception, having slain Illusion and standing face to face with reality, as a man speaks with a friend. All doubt and fear, troubles and confusions have departed from such a one. He knows that none can save a man or hurt him but himself; neither on Earth nor in Heaven. By himself he must find the Path and walk along it. This cannot be done by outward forms of righteousness, for it is not possible to placate the Gods by rites and ceremonies. He must find that Love is the Path of Wisdom to true understanding and union with all that IS.” — Jean Michaud, “The Golden Star” * http://pathofregene
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