Hey again! It’s the last song I subbed from my UNDEAD CORPORATION rant I had going. Sorry it took so long. It’s been hard to not be lazy. XD I’ve had this finished for a while honestly. Just never got around to encoding it or anything... Anyways I’m working on another sub as this uploads! More to come hopefully soon!
♪ Title: 葬 | Bury
♪ Arrangement: パインツリー
♪ Lyrics: パイン
♪ Vocals: LIQU@.
♪ Album: 紅染の鬼が哭く | The Scarlet-Dyed Oni Howls
♫ Original Title: 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 | Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not
♫ Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith
Translation: :_葬
Picture: kazeharu |