Manx Folk Dance Society

Dance: Tree Cassyn Vannin The Three Legs of Mann appear on the Manx flag and were the inspiration for this dance, composed by a member of the Society in celebration of the Manx Millennium in 1979. Up to 25 performers Accompanied by live musicians Display dancing and can include audience participation Formed in 1951, the Manx Folk Dance Society (MFDS) is the longest running dance group in the Island. With a total membership of around 65 of all ages, around 25 people regularly attend practice sessions. Adults and juniors practise and often perform together. The MFDS performs regularly throughout the year but, like other groups, has a busier schedule in the summer months when dancers are in demand at local fairs and tourist events. Throughout its history, the MFDS has maintained links to folk groups in England and other European countries. The society also encourages other dance groups to the Island and has made exchanges with groups from Sweden, Norway, Germany and Englan
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