Sativa Root - Kings of the Weed Age (full Album 2023)
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Austrian Stoner/Doom/Sludge Metal Band ’Sativa Root’: “Kings of the Weed Age“ released November 18, 2023
01. Intro - Kings of the Weed Age 00:00
02. Weedotaur 04:43
03. Megalobong 15:54
04. Green Smegma 25:16
05. Assassins Weed 33:14
06. . 45:57
The third full length by austrias most stoned instrumental band. The concept album “Kings of the Weed Age“ has a lot of good stuff for all the music addicted ears out there.
The album “Kings of the Weed Age“ is written and performed
by Sativa Root.
Recorded and mixed by Georg Traschwandtner
Mastering by Wolfgang Krug
Artwork by Armin Schweiger
Sativa Root Salzburg, Austria
#sativaroot #sludgemetal #doommetal #sto