Pskov Avia is a small regional airline, that offers flights from Pskov and Saint Petersburg to some destinations in Northwestern Russia. The sole passenger type operated by this great airline is the Antonov AN-24RV. They also operate AN-26 in cargo config.
The airline’s positioning flights between Saint Petersburg and Pskov can be booked, usually there is one flight per week in each direction. The great thing is, that tickets are most likely the cheapest on this planet, with only about 20 EUR one way.
Not only are the Antonovs worthwhile flying on, Pskov is also a very beautiful Russian town, and a stay can be highly recommended. Besides this great town, the airport is actually a military field with AN-26 and IL-76 stationed there, MI-8s also fly around regularly.
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5 months ago 00:15:09 1
Полёт на край света! Ан-24РВ Полярные авиалинии | Рейс Якутск - Тикси
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