CHAMJÉ KHOLA 2018 - ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE - ,,The world´s first descent integral line“
February 2018
Second repetition descent of Chamjé Khola canyon in Himalayas
The world´s first descent “integral“ line.
New World Superline: 2400 m , 7,5 km
Total trip: 3170 m, -3310 m
Descent time: 168 hours
Team members: Dimon Fedotov (UA), Vasilii Khokhrin (RU), Misha Rafikov (RU), Jari Triboldi (I), Oleg Klimchuk (UA), Konstantin Mukhin (RU), Roberto Nardoni (I), Andrea Forni (I), Olda Stos (CZ)
Lead by: Olda Stos
Endless desire for knowledge constantly drives mankind towards new, yet undiscovered „wor
6 years ago 00:27:21 50
CHAMJÉ KHOLA 2018 - ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE - ,,The world´s first descent integral line“