Josef Akin - Empty Spaces (2020)

0:00 1. Movements 3:57 2. Under the Surface 5:51 3. Sun Dance 8:15 4. Roots 13:12 5. Underwater 16:26 6. The World Around Us A collection of early recordings by Glasgow based Artist Josef Akin. Made over the space of two years these tracks explore a variety of spaces and textures, from the rhythmic paces of Movements, Roots and Sun Dance to the freer introspective odes heard within Underwater, Under the Surface and The World Around Us. Akins’ experimentation with instruments, as well as his voice, Meet at the central focus on keys. While in the future Josef Akin will be recording liv...e with his band (under the same name), we wanted to share some of his early experimentations and to introduce a project that we are very excited about. We hope you enjoy!! released May 8, 2020 All compositions written and recorded by Joe Pimenta-Benn Featuring Jonny Hamer on Flute (Movements) &
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