Gallant Gesture (1934)

This item has PATHE GAZETTE OPENING TITLE (01:47:45) - (48:03). A loudspeaker with cockerel is seen on the left side of the screen - accompanied by the sound of Morse Code - bleeps. Letters appear from the speaker (and some flashes). Letters read Pathe Gazette, which is replaced with First in 1910 - Best in 1934. This is replaced with Speaks for Itself. Now all lines appear from the loudspeaker together - looks very loud - Pathe - Gazette - Speaks for Itself - First in 1910 - Best in 1934. Both picture and sound then slowly fade out. The full title reads “Berlin and Aldershot “GALLANT GESTURE“ General Sir Ian Hamilton brings back the Gordon’s Drums - returned to the Regiment by President Von Hindenburg.“ Nice close up shot of General Sir Ian Hamilton in uniform. Three heavily decorated men (Sir Ian in the middle) with drums in front of them. Sir Ian speaking into microphone, several high ranking officers behind him. General brought back the drums from Berlin War Museum. Sir Ian talks about Germa
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