Due to COVID-19, Hirosaki City has been experiencing a “long winter,“ with the cancellation or reduction of traditional festivals and events such as the Hirosaki Neputa Festival, the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival, and the Hirosaki Castle Snow Lantern Festival.
However, even during this “long winter,“ the people of Hirosaki continue to live their daily lives while protecting what is important to them. And thanks to this long winter, beautiful culture and scenery have been created.
We made this short video to share it with you and we hope you can feel the unique spirit of Hirosaki in the words, “Because of the winter.“
Hope you can come to Hirosaki and feel it by yourself someday in the future.
■ 撮影協力
万茶ン(喫茶)/ Manchan (Cafe)
あたご温泉 / Adago Onsen (Hot spring)
岩木山神社 / Iwakiyama Shrine
弘前こぎん研究所(こぎん刺し)/ Hirosaki Kogin Institute ( Kogin-sashi)
今漆器工房(津軽塗)/ Kon Lacquerware Studio (Tsugaru Lacquerware)
長勝寺/禅林街 / Choshoji Temple, Zen Temple area
旧弘前偕行社(建築) / Former Hirosaki Kaikosha (Architecture)
弘南鉄道 / Konan Railway
土手町(商店街) / Dotemachi Street (Shopping street)
三忠食堂(津軽そば) / Sanchu Eatery (Tsugaru Noodles)
津軽あかつきの会(津軽伝承料理)/ Tsugaru Akatsuki Association
ライブハウス杏(津軽三味線)/ An (Tsugaru Shamisen)
チーム桜守/弘前公園 / Tree doctor team “Sakura Mori“, Hirosaki Park
1 view
7 months ago 00:08:44 1
弘前公園 日本一の絶景桜名所 8K Beautiful Cherry Blossoms in Hirosaki Park Japan | 東北の風景 弘前城の夜桜 Sakura Landscape