May 3 - Another typically hellish day at base camp... I’ll be glad when this is over and I can finally can get assigned a mission. There has been this really weird civie spotted at the base. Rumor is he’s from some government branch looking to recruit; others say he’s with some secret research group. I would jump at the chance to join. It would be cool just for the change and the adventure. May 7 - I finally saw the government guy today. I am not sure he is a g-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me. I did notice him checking me out. Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching me during training. I wonder what he’s up to... May 9 - For weeks our drills have been the same crap day after day. Today we assemble for the morning run and our drill instructor tells us we have one week to become experts at indoor strategic combat. We will be spending every day this week at the combat s
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