Fighting Patrols In Action (1941)

Title reads: “A Fighting Patrol in Action“. Location of events unknown. British soldiers (Home Guard?) on tactical exercise. Some soldiers dress up in German uniforms to play part of enemy. Various shots of British soldiers hiding behind rocks and hillocks. They have their guns ready, they are preparing to attack a house. Natural sound of Detachment Commander giving orders to soldiers as they hide. Inter cut with shots of ’German’ sentry. The sentry is in fact a British soldier, but the uniform looks authentic and is quite convincing. Various shots of soldiers creeping towards house with guns fixed. C/U of soldiers firing rifle into air as distraction. L/S of ’German’ soldiers running out of house. M/S of ’Germans’ scrambling over fence. L/S of ’German’ sentry being ambushed. Various M/Ss of soldiers beating up sentries. M/S of British soldiers pushing ’German’ prisoner past dead bodies of ’German’ sentries. Note: slightly melodramatic in places but could pass as genuine at
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