Audrey Gaillard / SOLO Performance Project by Olga Meos

During two whole months, the participants had a training course for the Solo project according to the methodology of Olga Meos. It was hours of improvisation, new knowledges and skills. The participants have done a great job and will be glad to see your support, my friends! DANCER: Audrey Gaillard FROM France INSTAGRAM: VIDEO Nathalie and Jean-Paul Gaillard LOCATION Sweet parent’s home, where I grew up! MUSIC: La Flemme by Tessae ; Youtube : ; Instagram : ; her shop for buying directly from her : VIDEO EDITING AND PROJECT DIRECTOR: Olga Meos CLASSES with Olga Meos: Целых два месяца участники проходили курс создания Сольного проекта по методике Ольги Меос. Это были часы импровизаций, новых знаний и навыков. Участники проделали огромную работу, и будут рады вашей поддержке, друзья!
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