& Setup\
0:00 Course Introduction
4:13 Getting Started
8:00 Installing React
12:43 Understanding Project Structure
27:12 Setting up SASS
30:03 Setting up linter
37:02 JSX
42:12 Styling Components
53:54 Reusable Components
58:47 Props
1:01:09 Fragments
1:05:19 Destructring Props
1:08:21 Conditional Rendering
1:12:21 Higher Order Components
1:19:43 useState Hook
1:25:14 Hooks Internals
1:33:46 Hooks Rules
1:35:42 Complex State
1:38:31 Managing Lists
1:43:36 Adding Events
1:57:40 Component Communication
2:05:19 Using Multiple Local States
2:10:52 Keyboard Events
...57 Building your own Custom Hook
2:25:19 onChange Event
2:34:58 useRef Hook
2:49:11 Forwarding refs
2:58:35 Lifecycle Methods
3:01:51 useEffect Hook
3:12:23 useEffect Example
3:20:57 Fetch Data with Async Await
3:27:13 useMemo Hook ( Memoization )
3:33:52 Custom Hook usePrevious
3:40:25 useLayoutEffect Hook
3:50:00 useDebugValue Hook
3:54:18 Custom Hook useCustomFetch
4:09:24 Setting up Routes
4:20:16 Route Links
4:25:56 Route Redirect
4:31:32 Route Prompt
4:39:53 useContext Hook
4:54:11 Redux Fundamentals
4:57:25 React Redux
5:17:44 Combining Multiple Reducers
5:28:36 Redux Thunk
5:39:56 useReducer Hook
5:46:27 React Mobx
5:53:04 Testing Philosophy
5:57:25 Unit Test with Jest
6:19:51 Tic Tac Toe Game
6:45:25 Draggable List
your own reusable component library\
6:57:23 Requirement for a component library
7:07:21 Build a reusable button component
7:26:43 Building a style-guide with styleguidist
7:36:25 PropTypes
7:48:08 Flow Types
7:57:58 TypeScriptShow more