三月的云南,满山都是金灿灿的油菜花,我们会把还没盛开的油菜花和嫩尖一起取回来腌制成冲菜,也就是酸菜的一种,云南话说,口感有点“冲” ,所以取名叫冲菜。腌个把月就能吃了,酸酸脆脆的口感,还有浓浓的油菜花味,不管是凉拌还是炒肉、煮鱼都非常美味~
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Golden rape flowers will blossom in every mountain of Yunnan in March. We will pick the buds and sprouts to make pickles. As such pickles have a sharp taste, we also call it “Chong Cai (pickles with a sharp taste)“ in our dialect. The rape flowers will be ready after a month or so. It’s sour and crunchy, with a strong rape flower fragrance. It’s a great ingredient to make cold dishes, stir-fried with meat or stewed with fish.