Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - LAW AND GRACE I want to share just a few things to give the contrast between law and grace, because grace produces God’s seed and His nature of unconditional love within us. Grace is God revealing to you His life, His nature and His character within you and enables you to live by His life. That is grace! If we do not experience God’s life being formed in us we have not yet walked in grace. Grace enables you to love as God loves. Grace enables you to walk as God walks. Grace produces God’s seed in you. The Law of Moses produces Satan’s seed, the carnal nature of good and evil. Remember, the law was not given to spiritual men. The law was given to carnal men to restrain the carnal mind, and to restrain the works of the flesh. The natural man without the law would be lawless. What we haven’t understood is that grace absolutely replaces the law. You see; the law makes its demands on you, and says, “If you do this, you will get this
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