SHOWREEL 2021 | Direction and Character Animation | Gaurav Wakankar
My Direction and Character Animation reel including projects spanning from 2017- march’2021
In order of appearance:
MOTHER (2019) - Debut short film (private link on request)
The Strokes ’At The Door’ (AMV) Dir. Mike Burakoff , Produced by Benjy Brooke
’Farishton’ - Khatija Rahman, Dir. Upamanyu Bhattacharyya
AFKAP - Aaina (AMV) - Direction and Animation
WEFOLLOW podcast opening
Amaro Waldon fan animation
MC ALTAF x IKKA - Ghost Rider (AMV) - Direction and Animation
Striker Force - CR7 animation test
Tom Misch Yussef Dayes ’TIDAL WAVE’ (AMV) Dir. Jack Brown Co Designed by Jeff Östberg
A Sacrifice - Personal Project
Majhdhaar (the Delta) Dir. Upamanyu Bhattacharyya
Music : Ditch Diggin’ - Jingle Punks (Youtube Audio Library)
After years of procrastination and weeks of keeping this under wraps, I finally gathered enough courage to release my Animation Reel 2021. Let me know what you guys think, and please do share!
Thank you to all the guidance my friends provided, and producers / directors who believed in me to take me on board on some of these projects.
8 months ago 00:01:04 17
SHOWREEL 2021 | Direction and Character Animation | Gaurav Wakankar