Media Ignores Latest Gay Pedophile Scandal

A homosexual couple adopted 2 children that they routinely sexually assaulted and even sold to other gay men. The media is looking away and distracting viewers with a story about a pride jersey. Don’t let that happen. #WilliamZulock #ZacharyZulock Get reliable notification options and further information at my home site: — Ways To Support My Work — Direct Donations: Merchandise (T-shirts, mugs, etc.): SubscribeStar Subscriptions: PayPal Donations: Bitcoin Donations: 16ZcMaXjzEKbHbqGVWzCEZhPtvRfqtMXhn Sarah is a media partner of Whatfinger News, the second-largest news aggregator. It is a great source of uncensored news, and it is updated constantly:
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