Airborne Spiking Technique ON THE GROUND

Here’s a quick tip for athletes working on their technique on the ground! Keep in mind this is more for athletes that need work developing the pattern of the spiking sequence. If you’re an athlete that has the sequence mastered in the AIR then this may not be an issue for you. Too often I see athletes using these steps to hit harder instead of working on their technique that would help them in the air. Yes, it can help get the feeling of using putting your body behind the ball, but in the air, we don’t get to use the ground. If the athlete is struggling with the technique, they’d probably be better off taking less steps and focus on the movement that they’d do in the air (spiking sequence) to better help them 1. Learn the pattern and 2. Learn how to generate force using the pattern instead of relying on the ground. I like a parallel or slightly staggered stance, focusing on the movement as opposed to power. Other options are seated, kneeling, standing on a st
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