️Dear Friends, ️

️Dear Friends, ️ Our animation artists have created this short video to explain the Ukrainian conflict in a nutshell. It shows how Zelensky, a puppet of the Collective West, who betrayed his motherland for trinkets, wages war on Russia to please his masters. America guides, Europe pays, Ukrainians are dying.. simple as that. Ruthless violent Western leaders, completely divorced from reality, are pushing the world on the brink of Nuclear Armageddon. This is a call to all the nations of the world to stop this madness until it is too late. ️We need maximum repost on this video, please. ️ Say NO to World War III. Say YES to life. So that we all could live happily ever after. DruschbaFM Deutsch DruschbaFM website Source: DruschbaFM - English
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