Michèle Delfosse (harpsichord) Récital de clavecin

Clavecin Neupert (Claude Mercier-Ythier) Released 1972 Decca Stéréophonique label Cover: Carmontelle “Mesdemoisselles Royer, filles de musicien Auteur de Zaïde, 1760, Musée Carnavalet, Paris, photo: Bulloz Made in France Backside of the vinyl signed during a performance of Michèle Delfosse in Monpazier, France 1977. Thanks to Daniël, who let me browse the famous Daniël Beuman harpsichord collection Thanks to Robert Tifft the webmaster of the European Revival Harpsichordists ( ) for providing all the soundtracks, since the original tracks were all beyond repair. Face A 00:00 Domenico Scarlatti - Sonate en ré majeur “La Chasse“ L 465 / K 96 2’45 02:50 François Couperin - Les Barricades Mystérieuses (extraites du VIe ordre) 1’45 04:45 Louis-Claude Daquin - Le Coucou 1’50 06:47 Jean-Philippe Rameau - La Poule 3’17 10:05 Jean-Phi
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