Artist : 캡틴락 (CaptainRock)
Album Title : 채플린 영화처럼 (Like a Chaplin Movie)
Release Date :
Genre : Rock
■ Mirrorball Music
Captain Rock, who made his solo debut in 2017 with his first full-length album [CaptainRock], returned as Charlie Chaplin this time. Charlie Chaplin, Captain Rock’s favorite artist, and “Like a Chaplin Movie“ which sings of dim memories as if he became the main character in the movie, take us into a black-and-white film that doesn’t need words.
펑크록 밴드 크라잉넛의 베이시스트 캡틴락 한경록의 솔로 프로젝트는 계속된다.
2017년, &