Salami Rose Joe Louis Live Band at Bandcamp - May 2023

Live set at Bandcamp in Oakland on May 26th, 2023! Flanafi - Simon Martinez - guitar Juuwah - Jeremy Uwah - bass Hamir Atwal - drums Salami Rose Joe Louis - Lindsay - keys and vocals Jin Lee - dancing on Gradients Much love and thanks to Paul Vroom and Marta on sound and the wonderful Bandcamp Oakland for hosting us and the lovely Max for setting it all up! Thank you all for listening! Set List: 1. We’re dumb 2. Dimcola Reprise 3. Zaza Flip 4. Dimensional collapse 5. Fireflies 6.. Zee Complex 7. Giddy Aguatic 8. Sugar Coating 9. Sitting with thoughts 10. Suddenly 11. Nostalgic Montage 12. Octagonal Roum 13. Proof is in the Pudding 14. GRADIENTS 15. Akousmatikous
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