Wes Phelan 2023

Wes Phelan, a Dallas local, killing it in the streets. Additional footage by John Sullivan. Graphics by Wes Phelan. Wes- “I want to express deep gratitude for my good friend, my dude, Gino Gotelli, for being so dedicated to this project and for being patient as I trudged through the process for, to get this edit to a place we could call finished. I’d also like to thank the following people for being there in the streets, cheering me on while I fought for some of these clips. Grahm Robinson, Chad Hornish, Dillon Anderson, John Sullivan, Aarin Gates Sullivan, Erik McEwen, Matt Hughart, Eric Halliman, Steven Diomampo, Danny Ross, Troy Malone, Kristian Payne, Brady Johnston and anyone else who gave their input along the way.“
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