by Animation Sensei
Kristoff and Sven have been hitting the bottle of akvavit pretty hard, it seems.
The ORIGINAL original song on this video came from a German group from the early 1980’s, “Trio“ of the then-new style, “Neue Deutsche Welle“ (“New German Wave“ or “German New Wave“). The underlying rhythmic beat came from a toy electronic keyboard that was a big seller at the time!
The version of the song heard here is from a Pepsi commercial for the 2006 FIFA tournament played in Germany that year.
Then the “Back Dormitory Boys“ did a parody video of the song around 2006 or so:
...version using the Back Dormitory Boys’ choreography has been around for some time now, but it suddenly became a popular meme in 2013-2014. Here is the original motion posted by Juke Kisaragi in SShow more