The Importance of Sacrifice and Ritual | Biblical Series: Exodus Episode 12
Thank you for joining us as we journey through the great book of Exodus. And thank you very much to the DailyWire crew for having the vision and generosity of spirit to make this Exodus seminar freely available to all who are interested. Perhaps you might consider a Daily Wire subscription; it’s a bastion of free speech. We have great content there with much more to come. Click here to learn more:
The roundtable discusses how the consequences of not taking sacrifice seriously in religious practice can include disunity, as well as a lack of living up to the highest ideals. In Exodus 24, sacred space, ritual, and worship all rely on sacrificing in order to be meaningful, and disregarding this importance can lead to a disconnect between people and God.
Episode One will be available on YouTube indefinitely, serving as the gateway to this enlightening exploration. Episodes 2 through 17 will be available for a limited time, so be sure to watch as they release each Monday.