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This was a request from a while back that I had some fun with! Supergroup Jay-ha (or a-Z?) wax poetic about having dirty shoulders or something. This definitely has a plot but let me know if you can figure it out in the comments because I have no clue what it is.
anyone craps their little pants over did search and notice the Jay-Z/a-ha combo had been attempted and posted like a decade ago (and probably by others as well - who knows) but it wasn’t very good. Hence DIRT SHOULDERS.
1. Jay-Z
2. a-ha
3. Randy “Macho Man“ Savage
4. Beyoncé
5. Dwayne “The Rock“ Johnson
6. Marvin Gaye
Twaddle and a HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons!
#djcummerbund #mashup #dirtshoulders