310km/h Japan Shinkansen train passing by at Mizusawaesashi Station 新幹線高速通過水沢江刺駅
[Turn on YouTube subtitle to see correction] Sorry I must apologize that I made a mistake in the original subtitle; subtitle at 0:03’ this 1st train should read as “to Tokyo 東京行“ , at 0:22’ this 2nd train should read as “to Shin-Aomori / Akita 新青森/秋田行“. Sorry for the stupid mistake I must be too sleepy when editing this video...
(See this video to view from INSIDE the train)
**Turn on the volume!!**
Video taken at Mizusawaesashi Station, featuring two E5 Hayabusa E6 Komachi Super Express trains passing through the station at about 310km/h while running on the JR East Tohoku/Akita Shinkansen (“Bullet Train“).
The 1st pass in this video is a South bound train going back to Tokyo; while the 2nd pass in video is a North bound train towards Shin-Aomori (for Hayabusa) and Akita (for Komachi).
The 10 cars E5 Series Hayabusa Super Express t
1 view
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310km/h Japan Shinkansen train passing by at Mizusawaesashi Station 新幹線高速通過水沢江刺駅
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