From East to West

The long awaited release of 24/25P firmware for the 5D2 enchanted me of shooting videos with it. So for the idea of an initial video project, I formed a thought that if I start my journey from sunrise and end it at sunset on an ordinary day, what actions, events and activity my eyes gonna witness in this bracket of approx 12-14 hours. So that is what I simply tried to implement in this short film. It has been an enthralling experience shooting video with an HDSLR with various lenses. I came across strengths and weaknesses of it. The track/dolly that I made was bit wobbly but it did the job for me. I plan to refine it and improve its consistency or buy the branded one from abroad. I also plan on adding a rig with follow focus in the future video works for precise manual focusing. It has been entirely filmed on the Canon 5D Mark II @25P with firmware in Lahore, Pakistan. Edited and color graded on Sony Vegas. All the Time-lapses have been shot on the Canon 40D with either Sigma 10-20m
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