Magna Tizca (Tizca the Great) is a Warhammer 40K music composed and produced by Legio Symphonica. This Warhammer 40K music is about the Thousand Sons and the burning of Prospero during the Horus Heresy. I did this composition a few years ago and it was a bit dusty (pun intended), so I had to give it a small update before I can finally share it with you !
I really liked to experiment with ethnical and metal influences, I was myself in a metal band for 11 years so I guess it was just a question of time before the metal genre makes his entrance in Legio Symphoni
I express my deepest gratitude to the people who interacts with my content, your feedback is my best inspiration. If you are working on a W40K production, feel free to contact me for the music.
Guitar by Tom Louis:
Algerian mandol by Sacha Besson:
Mix and master by Sacha Besson:
Illustration by Step:
Animation by Psyhogk:
Kme :
Sexyrandal for the map at the beginning. It is truly amazing !
You can find it here:
The battleships props are from Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2.
Want to use my songs on your own videos or post any of my videos on your channel? No problem!
Just include artists/title a link back to my artist channel here on Youtube in your description.
If you are a monetised channel be sure though to contact me directly ;)
Memoria. Officium. Veritas.
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