【超108万次观看】我用可口可樂(Coca Cola)一次製作1千克油條,絕對零失敗,

I use Coca-Cola to make 1 kg of fried dough sticks at a time. There is absolutely no failure. No baking soda, no baking powder, no additives, no kneading, the outer skin is crispy, the heart is tender, full of strength, and the taste of when I was young. (You can turn on CC subtitles and watch the translated native subtitles) 我用可口可樂(Coca Cola)一次製作1千克油條,絕對零失敗,不用小苏打,不用泡打粉,不用添加劑,不揉麵,外皮焦脆,內心嫩嫩的,劲道十足,小时候地摊的味道。 视频中提到的详细视频: 看我
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