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📞Закажи Музыкальный звонок и Мари споет только для тебя!
Для заказа звонка писать на почту maryangelmuse@
📞Закажи Вдохновляющий звонок.
Вы сможете задать вопрос о своей жизненной ситуации, спросить совет. Mary Angel поделиться своим мнением и поможет Вам понять себя лучше. Расскажет про свой опыт и что помогло ей на пути.
📞Закажи сумасшедший звонок.
В звонке Вы услышите сумасшедшие песни, бредовые истории, а также сможете задать любой вопрос сумасшедшей Mary Angel
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❤️Thank you for all your love and support! ❤️
Contact maryangelmuse@ for the details about inviting Mary Angel as an artist for your show. Also Mary can write song or melody for your show, movie, project.
📞Have your weekly or one time 🎵 Music Call with Mary Angel.
Contact 💌maryangelmuse@ for details about having a music call. Mary will sing just for you. Also you could ask any question about her music.
😜 For having a Crazy Call. You could talk with Crazy Mary
🙌 For having the inspiring call. Mary Angel can give you advice about your life situation. She will say her opinion and be your emotional support.
Wanna more Music? subscribe levels for a small prise you will see videos from the studio and how I was working on my songs. Also I am sharing audio clips which are exclusive, and won’t be on the album. These clips are from rehearsals and while composing songs and much more!
Enjoy my Music! 😇
My Personal Diary (deep secrets) here Dive deep into my mind and heart! You would be able to read my secret
🎧💕Listen to slow romantic songs Mary Angel “Listen to your heart“, Mary Angel “Cant let you go“ on every music platform
🎧💕Amazon Music:
Apple Music:
ВК Музыка:
Яндекс Музыка:
🤗Support Music Mary Angel donate
choose “send tip“
Your donations would help Mary Angel to record her New Songs for You 🎧💕
Thank you!😇
✔️Support music Mary Angel by listening Songs on Amazon Music,YouTube Music,Spotify and on another music platforms!
Add Songs to your Playlists!
Support Mary Angel and show your feedback by liking, sharing and subscribing 👍🔔💬
✔️Subscribe another channel @crazyfunnyangel
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This is the YouTube channel with funny and crazy videos. When you are bored and want to laugh watch this CrazyFunny videos and share with your friends!
✔️Also subscribe channel
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Mary Angel Muse is the YouTube Channel with inspiring videos where Mary Angel sharing with you her thoughts about this life, telling about what inspiring her for writing the music. You would find there inspiration and motivation.
Watch the videos while eating or while falling asleep. Soft voice would help you to fall asleep.
Watch YouTube Playlists:
English Songs
Music Videos
Live English
Acoustic Versions
Not Marias songs
Mary Angel Dance
Mary Angel Muse
Vocals Only
Language Mix Live
Live Russian
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