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Montessori Education is based on the principles developed by Maria Montessori, who opened her first school for children of low-income workers in an apartment building in Rome in 1907. The school was called “Casa Dei Bambini”, Home for Children.
This first “Casa” was furnished with a teacher’s table, a stove, a blackboard, some chairs, group tables for the children and a cabinet filled with materials that Montessori developed in her earlier career when she researched how to teach kids who experience some form of mental disability.
Maria Montessori created the materials after she realized that students seem to understand complex concepts better when they engaged all their senses.
Activities at this first school included personal care (such as dressing and undressing), care of the environment like sweeping, dusting and gardening. Otherwise, they were free to move around and play with the materials. Montessori d
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