Winterya - Voices [Synth Collective]

VA - Summer Never Ends 04 Release Date: 2021-06-28 Synth Collective [SYC114] Download/Stream: With summer in full swing, it’s high time Synth Collective unleash the 5 new tracks making up newest ’Summer Never Ends’ 04 compilation. Following the quality before quantity ideal, thus allowing each track to shine of their own light, this is a release that will please your ears and souls alike. Take a journey across a vast array of melodic progressive sonic phantasies with Winterya, Jab Vix, Cloudcage, . and Aria Deep, this is the exquisite ’Summer Never Ends’ 04. ● Connect with Synth Collective Facebook: Souncloud: Instagram: Twitter: Merchandise: ● Connect with Winterya ● Connect with NewProgressive
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