Starting 5 with Nate

In this episode, Nate goes deeper into how he ’created’ his starting 5. The people who influenced and helped shape his life. He also did the same for his son/MIT (Man in Training). Biography Author and TED speaker Nathaniel A. Turner, JD, MALS, is a self-described “Humanity Propulsion Engineer.” Nate is the author of several books, including the children’s book series, “The Amazing World of STEM,” and his history-making book, “Raising Supaman.” Turner’s appeared in many media outlets, including The Washington Post, Black Enterprise, iHeartRadio, The Good Men Project, Sirius XM, and U.S. News & World Report. Corporations, municipalities, and NGOs like Anthem, Inc., the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the City of Indianapolis, and the National Society of Black Engineers invited Nate to share his practical message for living the life we’ve always imagined while also serving the greater good. A modern-day Renaissance Man, as evidenced by the diversity of his ed
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