5 seeds you must eat daily and 5 seeds you should | Nuse Healthy

Despite being small in size, seeds are known to be super-nutritious. They are known to be a powerhouse of nutrients and can be consumed daily for a myriad list of health benefits. With an ample amount of fibre, fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants present in them, seeds are known to be extremely versatile and can be incorporated any way in any dish. With growing awareness, several people are opting to consume these seeds for better health. They can help you lose weight while providing you with enough energy for the whole day. However, not every seed is healthy. For example, tomato seeds are known to cause kidney stones and it is advised not to eat them. Here is a list of 5 such seeds that you must consume and five you should not. Chia Seeds There is a craze for chia seeds these days and the only reason why people are going mad for it is the amount of fibre these seeds have along with Omega-3 fats. Studies suggest that eating chia seeds may also reduce blood sugar levels while reducing appetite,
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