Klöv Göran med RASK och Christoffer Lundquist (official video)
Anyone looking for references will perhaps find traces of the 70s: Kebnekajse, Dr. John, Jan Johansson and the entire rich and broad - and so emotionally strong - Swedish folk music tradition. But above all, the result breathes passion and life. It is organ-sight, it pulses and breathes and the contemporary digital pursuit of perfection that can so easily suffocate the power of the music is completely conspicuous by its absence. This is emotion and giving, love and dance, spontaneity and presence, in a nutshell. In the band’s eyes, folk music is not a rule-governed museum tradition, but on the contrary a living genre that exists to be developed and challenged. That’s when it becomes relevant.
Thanks Liam Lawless Blom for the drumming
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5 months ago 00:05:11 2
Klöv Göran med RASK och Christoffer Lundquist (official video)