Afera pasos - Serbian BIOMETRIC PASSPORT

Kurir has discovered at the beginning of April 2009 that the new bio-metric passport, which had been announced by Bozidar Djelic during the pre-election campaign, and is currently printed by German company Milbauer together with Narodna Banka of Serbia (National Bank of Serbia NBS), contains about 20 mistakes in relation to the original sample that was sent to different countries worldwide in order to be recognised as the original. Slovenian company Miraz was granted the printing of the Serbian passport after being the most successful tenderer. In meantime Milbauer which in close relation with Mladjan Dinkic, government vice-president snatched this printing job from Slovenians, with the help of Radovan Jelasic NBS governor. First 120 000 biometric passports issued to citizens of Serbia were in accordance with the original and printed by “Miraz“, while passports that are currently printed in collaboration by NBS and Milbauer deviate from the original sample. Some mistakes are visible with t
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