Velocity Exploit on Paper?

In this video we investigate the comments’ claims that there exists an arbitrary velocity exploit in minecraft. We look into the code and see if that is true. LiveOverfont (advertisement): Watch the full Minecraft:HACKED playlist: The Duper Trooper: Minecraft Insta-Kill Hack!! Community Showcase: TudbuT’s SeedOverlay Episode 20: 00:00 - Intro 00:24 - Snowball Challenge 01:56 - Minecraft Velocity Research 04:00 - deltaMovement Usage 04:50 - jumpFromGround() on vanilla 05:55 - BowBomb Implementation 06:42 - jumpFromGround() on paper 07:19 - Low TPS Exploit 08:41 - Community Showcase: TudbuT SeedOverlay 10:35 - SeedOverlay Code 13:41 - Outro =[ ❤️ Support ]= → per Video: → per Month: 2nd Channel: =[ 🐕 Social ]= → Twitter: → Streaming: → TikTok: @liveoverflow_ → Instagram: → Blog: → Subreddit: → Facebook:
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