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1:21:00 I don’t do it for the money
1:24:00 Would you remember if you were paid 6 million dollars?
2:44:00 Rotavirus conflict of interest
2:50:30 Working Group ACIP discussions
2:53:00 There’s a gavel with my name on it
3:17:00 Is 5 days long enough?
3:32:00 There was no placebo group?
3:45:20 The package insert for MMR2
3:59:20 “Serious Adverse Events“
4:24:20 The GARDASIL/saline Placebo Contol
4:48:00 “Double-blind works if you want to be certain, but...“
5:33:00 Do vaccines cause autism?
5:43:00 Shouldn’t you wait?
6:05:00 We’ve been asking for 30 years
6:09:00 The only placebo vs. vaccine study results
6:58:00 A letter to HHS
7:05:30 What kind of antigens are in vaccines?
7:11:33 Calf serum, guinea pig cells, and cow’s milk
7:39:20 Does Alum bind to cells?
7:43:10 How many fetus’ have you worked with?
7:50:40 Did you used orphans to test an experimental disease 13 years AFTER the Nuremberg Code?
7:54:02 The letter to the editor of Ethics of Human Experimentation - “Its unlike Nazi philosophy“
7:56:00 The 1959 experiments on over 1 million locals under Colonial Rule in the Congo has no samples left
8:02:50 Do you take issues with Religious beliefs?
8:12:00 Since you’re so interested in my income...
8:18:30 Are you asking me if I’m launching AIDS?!
8:27:00 Pertussis transmission and the Warfel studies
8:31:00 How do you define an Anti-Vaxer?
8:47:30 Harvard’s Study of VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System finds less than 1% are reported
1 view
6 months ago 00:02:20 7
Стенли Плоткин в суде под присягой даёт показания
7 months ago 09:01:26 1
Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video
7 months ago 00:05:10 1
Interview with Stanley A. Plotkin, editor of Plotkin’s Vaccines, 8th Edition
7 months ago 00:06:03 1
Les aveux de Stanley Plotkin
7 months ago 00:04:18 1
Das Stanley Plotkin Verhör - Impfstoff Tests an geistig behinderten und Weisen-Kindern
8 months ago 00:46:02 1
The Godfather of Vaccines - 1 - Vaccine Recommendations, Conflicts of Interest (With Subtitles)
1 year ago 00:02:17 1
Стэнли Плоткин под присягой. Этические нормы вакцинаторов.
1 year ago 00:04:04 1
Dr Stanley Plotkin o szczepionkach - Eksperymenty na osobach niepełnosprawnych - napisy PL