GoGos 12/90 Universal Amphitheater

DISCLAIMER: yes, much of this video looks like crap. Get over it or go away. This is the only known video of the Go-Go’s on their 1990 tour (or on their 1994/95 tour, for that matter). I bought this copy from the back of Goldmine magazine back in 1993 or so. There is no “good” clean copy, and in fact this version is probably the best I’ve seen. There are some excerpts from this tape on YouTube. There are some sections that are really choppy, and the video cuts out quite a few times. I’ve decided to post the entire concert, including the parts that are pretty unwatchable. Remember that this was before camera phones. Someone snuck a video camera into the hall, and had to keep it hidden from security. That’s why the video suddenly vanishes, the person had to drop the camera. In my opinion this is one of the best Go-Go’s shows I’ve seen. The energy is off the charts and the set list is great- this is before they stopped performing anything from Talk Show (save for Head over Heels).
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