
注意追記 本家との関係は一切ございません! attention This work is a fan fiction and parody video of Hetalia. It has nothing to do with the actual country, organization, history, or original work. It has no relation to any other reality. If you do not want to ruin the image of the original, or if you have never seen the Hetalia series, you may be offended. Please be careful! [DeepL 翻訳より翻訳  ] はじめまして。岩本あえーです。どうぞ名前を忘れて帰ってください。 APHにハマっています。よろしくお願いします。 I’m Iwamoto Aee. Please forget my name and leave. I’m really into APH. Thank you. 本家様の曲URL / URL of the original movie 岩元あえーのTwitter / Ae Iwamoto’s Twitter
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